Prime is an inclusive community which, whilst not immune to the problems we see in the greater gamer community, is committed to being a part of the solution. With this in mind, this code of conduct is intended to be a basis upon which we can continue to build an inclusive and safe community, where people from all cultures, backgrounds, identities and expressions can thrive.
While you are a part of this guild and community, you represent Prime in everything you do online and in the real world. Membership in our community is thus seen as official and full acceptance of the terms of this code of conduct, to which all members of Prime are expected to adhere.
Community: The Prime Discord server, in-game guild, in-game community, or any affiliated groups.
Community member: Any person participating in our community, regardless of guild membership.
Guild member: Any person with a character currently in the in-game guild.
Prime leadership: Any person designated as an Officer in the in-game guild, or specifically designated as leadership/management within the community by other means. Prime leadership info can be found here.
Rules and Respect
All Prime community members must adhere to the following rules and policies:
Be respectful of ALL community members, and individuals in all wider gaming communities.
There is a zero tolerance policy for harassment, toxicity, bullying, name-calling, or hate speech.
There is a zero tolerance policy for sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, or any other kind of offensive language or behaviour.
Over time, the use of insensitive language has been increasingly normalised in the gaming community. These words and phrases, despite maybe having humorous intentions, are harmful, inappropriate, and not acceptable behaviour in the Prime community. Examples include, but are not limited to, pejorative use of words such as “autistic”, “gay”, “retarded”, “trap”, “mongo”, etc. Jokes about sexual harassment or assault, or casual use of the word “rape” (i.e. “That boss mechanic raped us”), is likewise unacceptable. Please note that educational discussions may occur within our community and these are encouraged to ensure that our community members (and leadership!) are aware of changing terminology and their meanings.
Community, Language and Intent
As is expected with any community which has been running for a number of years, there is a strong social foundation which links our members which includes poking fun at each other and good-natured banter. This should not be confused as an invitation to mock community members or post content that will have a negative impact on members.
At times, there will also be discussions relating to sensitive topics which all community members are welcome to join and express their views, however, at all times, all members should be mindful of the discussions and the negative impacts they could have on members of our community, regardless of the intent.
Violations of the Code of Conduct
In the event any Community Member breaches this Code of Conduct, a report should promptly be made to the Prime leadership. The Prime leadership hereby agrees to conduct an objective investigation into the report in a swift and timely manner. The status and findings of the said investigation will be shared with the parties in question at the discretion of the Prime leadership.
Breaches of any rules or policies are not explicitly stated as zero tolerance will result in disciplinary action following a one-strike policy unless the breach is determined to be an egregious violation by the Prime leadership, in which case the offending party will be immediately removed from the Community. An egregious violation is one deemed too excessive in either impact or scope for a warning to suffice and will be determined at the discretion of the Prime leadership. Non-egregious violations will be issued a warning upon the first offence and removal from the community upon the second offence.
If the Prime leadership receives a report of a breach of this code of conduct that constitutes a criminal offence in the home country of any of the parties involved, or in the UK, the details of the incident will be forwarded to the appropriate law enforcement agency.
English only
Any public channels, whether text or voice must be in English to improve the inclusive experience for all community members.
All social promotions will take place at the start of each calendar month and will be completed by Ileyna.
Raider promotions or demotions will take place in accordance with the raid team rules specific to that team.
Any Officer promotions or demotions will take place as and when required.
Mythic Progression Raid Team rules
No social members will be permitted to join the progression raid team on any of their scheduled raid days unless the run is posted as an “open run” OR the social member is currently working through their trial period for the team/helping due to raider absence.
​Orange Team Rules
The orange team has their dedicated leadership teams and set of rules which can be found within each team set of channels, however, the team and their corresponding leadership and members must adhere to all general guild code of conduct and will be removed if they break them.
Social Raid Team rules
The Social run is usually on a Saturday evening and is open to each guild member who meets the criteria set by whoever is running the raid. The runs will be put up on the guild calendar and all guild rules apply to the social run events. Discord is required for these events, however you do not need to speak, just be able to listen.
Current Social Run Raid Leader: N/A
The Raid Officers of the progression raid teams will not be able to assist with any questions regarding the social run as they are not responsible for this area of the guild and so any questions should either be directed to the current social run raid leader (as above), or posted directly into the social run channel on Discord.
Streaming Guild Content and Twitch Notifications
Streaming any social content with guildies is permitted unless a guild member specifically asks not to be streamed who is included in the run, at which point streams should be stopped to respect their wishes. Those streaming within the progression teams must follow their raid leader's wishes concerning streaming
If you wish to be added to the stream list on Discord, please contact Ileyna and she will add you on to the Mee6 bot which will automatically post when you go live, and the static list of streamers.
Discord Access
Our guild discord server is set with the highest security settings which require a phone number to be added to the account to gain access (2 Factor Authentication). This level of security has been added to keep all of our members safe and this rule is the same for everyone and cannot be skipped or worked around. Once you are on the server, please follow the instructions to gain community access.
Discord Name
Guild members must ensure that their discord nickname holds their mains character name with it. This can take the form of Chez (Ileyna), Ileyna (Chez) or Ileyna. Any special characters must also match.
Discord Posting
Anyone posting messages that go against the code of conduct will be banned from the guild discord server and will not be permitted to return.
Discord Bot Use
MEE6, and any other bots on the server must not interrupt or disturb other users. This includes the use of the music bots. Anyone breaking these rules will have one warning, and then will be banned from the discord server.
Is the guild 18+/21+ only?
No, Prime does not discriminate based on age, the most important thing to us is that each member is treated with respect and dignity at all times.
Can I join the guild if my gear/level is low?
Yes, though this does not mean that you will be invited to high keys and/or raids to be boosted for gear.
Can I join as a social and then apply to Orange Team?
Yes, though there is no guarantee that your application to the raid team will be accepted, as this is based on recruitment needs, progression and gearing levels of the applicant.
Does the leadership change often?
No, The guild leadership has not changed since the beginning of the guild, and whilst raid leadership may change due to irl commitments, the same ethos for the teams will remain.
How active is the guild outside of raid times?
This depends entirely on the time of the year and also where the game is in relation to patches and new content. On average, there are between 10 - 40 members online during the evenings on none-raid nights.